Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeReligionIslamThe Rewards For Fasting 6 Days In Shawwal

The Rewards For Fasting 6 Days In Shawwal

month with our sins forgiven. With a clean slate and reinvigorated energy, we have the ideal momentum to transform some of our Ramadan practices into habits.

For example, spread your six days of fasting throughout Shawwal. Perhaps you fast every Monday and Thursday, and/or during the three middle days of the month–both of which were practices of the Prophet ﷺ. This helps you plant the seeds for a long term habit of fasting on those days. Remember, the Prophet ﷺ emphasized that Allah loves actions that are consistent, even if they’re small. Slow and steady wins the race.

5. You build an attitude of gratitude
One of the spiritual benefits of fasting is that it nurtures gratitude in the heart of the believer. The more often we fast, the more spiritually aware we become of Allah’s favors in our lives. Abstaining from food and drink reminds us that these too are blessings from Allah that we take for granted.
Jazakkumullah Khairun wa salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu.



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