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HomeJudiciarypart 2 justice kanyip and development of labour jurisprudence

part 2 justice kanyip and development of labour jurisprudence


At a time when some predecessor would be nursing fear about who they are handling the mantle of leadership to, Justice Adejumo Rtd never envisaged any fear about his successor capacity and capability on the deep knowledge of law, integrity and prudence in the management of resources.

He made it clear for the president Buhari when he came for commissioning of the annexe headquarters edifice the same day valedictory court session was made in his honour, he said “I started everything with Justice Kanyip, I met him in this court, we both applied for no 1 job, to the glory of God, I was chosen. To my surprise, he was the first person to call me to say congratulation and he promised unalloyed loyalty which he never derailed for once. My president, I had no doubt that he will do well.”

In marketing, this singular statement coming from the predecessor would give successor soft landing in the mind of the presidency, literally, the aims of having acting is to know if the person would be able to deliver on the given mandate.

From the Judiciary, both the bar and the bench know that Justice Kanyip elevation to the presidency of the court would further strengthen the court and the labour jurisprudence in Nigeria.

If you are looking for someone who is gifted, try to meet with Justice kanyip, both in law and others, his a versatile Jurist of high repute and you can take this to the bank that, his tenure and administration would certainly be on knowledge-based.

It is without a doubt that the Industrial Court is marching on greatness, the plethora and the aura of new administration signify the betterment and progressiveness of labour jurisprudence in Nigeria.

“The court as a specialized court, if we don’t give them justice forget it, all the achievements will be zero, the day any of them rises up to say NIC is a useless court, that is the end, we will start hitting the dead head of the court. We are lucky, the court has been accepted, there are other courts you give, they will say NO! it is what NIC says then we will listen to you, they’ve accepted the court as a place where they can get justice and they are happy with the court.” Justice Kanyip stated this during a media chat on the commemoration of the retirement of Justice Adejumo, OFR

As an incorruptible Judge, many positive reactions trailed his appointment, some opined and described him as one of the stars of Judiciary who is a genius about anything labour. He knew of hand why the section of each act was documented and some described him as the best man for the job not only because of his hierarchy in the judicial system, but also his efficacy in justice and fairness, and the enormous achievements recorded in the course of his career.

Without any gainsaying, the National Industrial Court of Nigeria under his lordship has been positioned and trademarked for greatness and would continue to be a template for the effective administration of justice system with negative tolerance for corruption.

Professor Kanyip is the author of numerous journal articles in the areas of consumer law, tax law, labour law and commercial law. He is the author of the book, Consumer Protection in Nigeria: Law, Theory and Policy (2005) and a joint author of the text, Elements of Commercial Law (1994).


Furthermore, In a bid to reward competency and to globally reward his contribution to the body of Knowledge, The Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies bestowed on him, the prestigious fellowship.

Professor Kanyip in the past concluded a study for the design of a Draft Labour Policy and Strategic Plan of Action for the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and also carried out a review of all the labour laws in Nigeria at the behest of the International Labour Organisation (ILO); and was subsequently nominated by the Federal Government of Nigeria as one of its two nominees in the Technical Committee for the reform of all the labour laws in the country.

Professor Kanyip is member, Nigerian Bar Association; Fellow, Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal studies; Fellow, Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria; Life Member and Deputy President II, Nigerian Society of International Law. He is a contributing editor of several academic law journals.



Fatai Abiodun writes from Abuja.

An ICT Expert, Public Affairs Analyst,

Studied Journalism as International Institute of Journalism,

Member, NUJ




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