2 UniAbuja professors sacked, others demoted over sex scandal, exam malpractices


Two professors have been sacked by the management of University of Abuja for alleged misconduct.


One of the academicsĀ identified asĀ Prof. Adeniji Adedayo Abiodun of the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture was dismissed for inappropriate relationship with a female student while Prof. Agaptus Buzo-Chibuzo Orji of the Department of Science and Environmental Education, Faculty of Education wasĀ dismissed for ā€˜falsification of academic recordsā€™, ā€˜aiding and abetting of examination malpracticeā€™, and also for ā€˜corruption and dishonesty.ā€™

Two other lecturers were also demoted by the University’s management. The University’s spokeperson, Habib Yakoob said Dr Robert Dajal of the Department of Science and Environmental Education, Faculty of Education was demoted from Associate Professor to Senior Lecturer while Mr. Gana Emmanuel Sunday Defian of theĀ Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture wasĀ demoted by two ranks from Lecturer 1 to Assistant Lecturer ā€œfor their complicity in various acts of misconduct inimical to the image of the University.ā€
Yakoob further revealed that the decisions was reached by the Council of the institution at its 85th Regular Meeting held on December 11 and 12, 2019



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