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Justice kanyip and the road to the development of Labour Jurisprudence in Nigeria

Undoubtedly, labour and industrial related disputes are serious issues in any nation. Labour dispute has Staggering effects on both the social and economic sectors of a country resulting in low productivity, unemployment, wastage of human resources and many other problems.

To avert this, countries have advocated for expeditious resolution of labour dispute before it goes out of hand. Rising to the occasion, the Nigeria Government, in the year 2006, after several years of confusion and problems associated with the jurisdictions of the National Industrial Court of Nigeria came out with statutory regulation on the matter and the third alteration of the 1999 constitution cured all lacunas associated with the status of the court.

The administration of Justice Adejumo Rtd put the court into the limelight, as we know that development is a continuous process, this analysis aims to give a synopsis of the road to the development of Labour Jurisprudence in Nigeria under the new leadership.

The acting president of the National Industrial Court of Nigeria, His Lordship, Hon. Justice Benedict Kanyip hails from Southern Kaduna, attended the prestigious Northern premier Ahmadu Bello University named after the first and only premier of the Northern Nigeria region, Sir Ahmadu Bello and obtained his Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) in 1985.

Ahmadu Bello University is a federal government research university in Zaria, Kaduna State, North West, Nigeria founded on 4th October 1962.

Justice Kanyip was a member of the Nigerian Bar class of 86’ and subsequently enrolled as a Solicitor and Advocate of the Supreme Court of Nigeria. Hon. Justice Benedict Kanyip started his career as a lecturer in 1987 in the department of commercial law at his alma Mata (ABU) and rose to the position of Lecturer II before leaving in 1992 for the National Commission for Colleges of Education as Legal Adviser in the rank of Principal Legal Officer.

In 1995, he was appointed Senior Research Fellow by the Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and rose through this appointment to the rank of Associate Research Professor of Law in 2000.

Justice Kanyip was appointed a Judge of the National Industrial Court in 2000 for an initial period of four years although with eligibility for a renewal of a further term of four years and fortunately, In June 2004, having completed the first term, his re-appointment for another term of four years was renewed and with the passing of the National Industrial Court Act, 2006, he became a tenured Judge of the Court and by hierarchy the 2ic.

As second in command to the then retired president of the court Justice Babatunde Adejumo, he worked closely and his contributions to issues bordering on the strengthening of labour jurisprudence and judiciary were always interesting, original, and illuminating.

As a team worker and distinguish jurist, he works along with other colleagues relentlessly and contributed a lot to the achievement of the third alteration act of the 1999 constitution as amended that gives the court constitutional power as a superior court of records.

Justice Kanyip earns the trust of his former boss, Justice adejumo by showcasing total support and allegiance to the past administration and his idea as an erudite jurist makes it comfortable for his boss to have trust in his loyalty.

When asked about if he would like to work with his former boss again, he replied in affirmative that “if I can work with someone for 16years and no quarrel, I will work with him again” this act of loyalty marks him out as a quintessential unifying figure.

Quintessentially, It was indeed, new breadth of fresh air as he was sworn in as acting president of the National Industrial Court of Nigeria by the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Tanko Muhammed on 2nd October 2019 following the retirement of Hon. Justice Babatunde Adejumo, OFR and upon his appointment by the Commander-in-Chief, Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammad Buhari.

Success doesn’t just find someone, we have to go out and get it by Dream bigger and Do bigger as thinking and feelings do not produce action.

Without wasting time, on a path to reposition the court for greatness in tandem with equitable, fair and impactful justices system, My Lord, Hon. Justice Benedict Kanyip swung into action, rejigs his passion, rolled up his sleeves and had several meetings with the management and staff of the court, and in the clearest term spread his plans for the court, labour jurisprudence, judiciary and to march-on on the achievements of his predecessor.

They say show me your friend and I would tell you your CGPA same goes that, show me your assistant and I will tell you how far you can go in achieving your mandate. It is not a mistake to say Justice Kanyip was the brain-box of the last administration; he contributed meaningfully and always ready to show support where necessary.

The Man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others and the only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today, Justice kanyip gave a marching order to the management and staff, what he won’t accept and what is expected from their ends. He also read a riot act that any form of mediocrity and laziness would not be accepted and everyone is expected to perform their tasks in a professional manner devoid of hatred and ineptitude as greater things never come from comfort zones.

He made it clear that National Industrial court under him will not deviate but rather improved on the achievements of the past, and to better reposition the court in line with best global practices.


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